Questões de Inglês - Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa para Concurso

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Q2494608 Inglês
According to the Lei nº 13.415 (Feb, 2017), ratifying Lei nº 9394 (Dec, 1996), that will be applied with the aid of article 35-A, the diversified section of curricula should
Q2494607 Inglês
          The several levels of linguistic organization that people develop, such as knowledge of: lexicon, semantics, morphology, syntax, phonology, and phonectics enable them to produce utterances based on convergences or discrepancies among the mother tongue and the targeted foreign language, obsviously depending on the structure of the foreign language that is being taught/learned. In short, learner commitment to discourse is made easier because this type of knowledge is one of the cornerstones of linguisitc consciousness, that is, including the perception of the mother tongue has deep value in the foreign language learning process for its metacognitive nature. Also, specific discourse choices will be made to drive the attention to how discourse representation of the social world happens in different languages.
The information given is compatible with: 
Q2494606 Inglês
It is the teacher’s duty to consider, as a starting point for his/her educative action, the knowledge children already have, the ones generated in a variety of social, affective and cognitive experiences they have been exposed to. In order to detect learners’ previous knowledge, which is harder a task concerning younger kids, teachers should establish didactic strategies such as:
Q2492940 Inglês
Having the PCNs (Brazil, 1998), “Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais”, as references, the following are some of the effects reached through foreign language learning, EXCEPT: 
Q2492939 Inglês
According to the LDBEN, “Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional” (Brazil, 1996), a modern foreign language should, necessarily, integrate the Brazilian population education as a diversified part of curriculum, which means that 
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