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Q2298708 Inglês

Two US banks collapse 

Last week, Silicon Valley Bank failed, and it left customers in a tough spot as the government took ______ 1

The so-called bank run happened because there ______ 2 news that the bank couldn’t meet its deposit obligations. It means that it had invested the money in various things that weren’t making the money back. Typically, thats the point where the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, ______ 3 insures deposits ______ 4 250,000 dollars, comes in. However, 98% of Silicon Valley Bank customers didn’t have 250,000 dollars but billions of dollars. The government announced that it would step in and secure the depositors, with US president Joe Biden ______ 5 that the US banking system was safe. 

Shortly after the fall of Silicon Valley Bank, regulators closed New York-based Signature Bank, too, citing systemic risk. Experts said that these stories would continue repeating themselves because many corporations were overleveraged in dollar debt.

After the collapse, European banks lost 100 billion dollars in value in a week, and despite tough regulations that should make a similar banking failure in Europe unlikely, the contagion is accelerating.


Now choose the CORRECT item. 
Q2206449 Inglês

Text III 

Alice Walker (born February 9, 1944), an American novelist, short story writer, poet,

and social activist (

We Alone

We alone can devalue gold

by not caring

if it falls or rises

in the marketplace.

Wherever there is gold

there is a chain, you know,

and if your chain

is gold

so much the worse

for you.

Feathers, shells

and sea-shaped stones

are all as rare.

This could be our revolution:

to love what is plentiful

as much as

what's scarce.


The segment “it falls or rises” contains a(n)
Q2111423 Inglês

Considere a tirinha abaixo.  

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

A palavra ou expressão que conclui adequadamente, na lacuna I, a fala do anjo para Deus é  

Q2022977 Inglês

Text 4A1-II

You know a nun when you see one. The uniform, known as a habit, is a dead giveaway. But the outfit you’re picturing in your head might look very different from the one worn by the sisters at your local convent. And yet, each ensemble’s meaning is immediately clear. That’s because nuns abide by a sartorial system that is at once endlessly adaptable and instantly recognizable.
That’s an impressive feat for any visual system. In the case of nuns’ habits, that system relies on a standardized combination of symbolic elements. “It’s really a kit of parts”, says Lucienne Roberts, cofounder of a British publishing house devoted to design’s more esoteric subjects. For their latest book, Looking Good: A Visual Guide to the Nun’s Habit, Roberts worked with her team to dissect the dress of nuns from some 40 Catholic orders. The result is a fascinating work of reference on a subject to which you've almost certainly never paid much mind.
The book begins by cataloguing the various components that typically comprise a nun's habit. These may include things like veils, rosaries, tunics, medals, coifs (the cap worn under the veil), and sandals. It's a collection from which each religious order draws some, but not all, of its impeccable elements. This section provides the reader with a visual framework which relies on simple cues to distinguish between religious families.
For instance, many orders of nuns wear some form of girdle, be it a belt, a cord, or a cincture. Each type and subtype of garment carries specific connotations. Franciscan nuns, for instance, favor a cord over a leather belt, to reflect their order's devotion to poverty. Its four knots, plainly visible in the book as an illustration of the Franciscan garb, represent the order's vows of chastity, poverty, obedience, and enclosure.
These are the kinds of minutiae encoded in the book's pages, which the authors color code to differentiate between the various orders. Even the nuns' orientation on the page is significant; some face towards the reader, while others face away. This is to distinguish between sisterhoods that are active in their communities from ones that live cloistered lives, respectively. The book itself, like the habits it analyzes, is a form of information design.

Internet: <>(adapted). 
Parts of speech are traditional classes of words (such as adjectives, adverbs, etc.) that are distinguished according to the kind of idea denoted and the function performed in a sentence.
On the basis of this definition, it is correct to say that the words “almost” (last sentence of the second paragraph), “favor” (third sentence of the fourth paragraph), “which” (first sentence of the last paragraph) and “between” (third sentence of the last paragraph), which were taken from text 4A1-II, are, respectively, 
Q1984089 Inglês

Read text I and answer the question that follow it.

Text I 

The New Rules of Data Privacy

The data harvested from our personal devices, along with our trail of electronic transactions and data from other sources, now provides the foundation for some of the world’s largest companies. […] For the past two decades, the commercial use of personal data has grown in wild-west fashion. But now, because of consumer mistrust, government actions, and competition for customers, those days are quickly coming to an end. 

For most of its existence, the data economy was structured around a “digital curtain” designed to obscure the industry’s practices from lawmakers and the public. Data was considered company property and a proprietary secret, even though the data originated from customers’ private behavior. That curtain has since been lifted and a convergence of consumer, government, and market forces are now giving users more control over the data they generate. Instead of serving as a resource that can be freely harvested, countries in every region of the world have begun to treat personal data as an asset owned by individuals and held in trust by firms.

This will be a far better organizing principle for the data economy. Giving individuals more control has the potential to curtail the sector’s worst excesses while generating a new wave of customer-driven innovation, as customers begin to express what sort of personalization and opportunity they want their data to enable. And while Adtech firms in particular will be hardest hit, any firm with substantial troves of customer data will have to make sweeping changes to its practices, particularly large firms such as financial institutions, healthcare firms, utilities, and major manufacturers and retailers.

Leading firms are already adapting to the new reality as it unfolds. The key to this transition — based upon our research on data and trust, and our experience working on this issue with a wide variety of firms— is for companies to reorganize their data operations around the new fundamental rules of consent, insight, and flow.


Federal lawmakers are moving to curtail the power of big tech. Meanwhile, in 2021 state legislatures proposed or passed at least 27 online privacy bills regulating data markets and protecting personal digital rights. Lawmakers from California to China are implementing legislation that mirrors Europe’s GDPR, while the EU itself has turned its attention to regulating the use of AI. Where once companies were always ahead of regulators, now they struggle to keep up with compliance requirements across multiple jurisdictions.

Adapted from: February 25, 2022 – Retrieved September 6, 2022

“As” in “Leading firms are already adapting to the new reality as it unfolds” (4th paragraph) signals a 
1: B
2: D
3: B
4: A
5: E