Questões de Inglês para Concurso

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Q2383973 Inglês

Observe a imagem a seguir.

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teacher.png>Acesso em: 19 dez. 2023.

Among the characteristics of the Audiolingual Method listed below, which one can be linked to the image?

Q2372855 Inglês
In the image below, the source of humor is built on the usage of English, as well as on its lexical wealth because.

                                                      Imagem associada para resolução da questão
                                                                 (Disponible in:
Q2372850 Inglês
Read the text carefully to answer:

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                        (Disponible in:

When Rupi Kaur emigrated to Canada from Punjab, India, she was four. On Instagram, 2009, she started writing and performing poetry and became a worldwide success. Regarding text content, her poem’s core idea is:
Q2372849 Inglês
Examine the image to answer:

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                                                                         (Disponible in:

Having the image’s clues as references, apostrophe use meets a compatible description in:

Q2361124 Inglês

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Internet:<> (adapted).

Considering the ideas and linguistic aspects of the cartoon above, judge the following item.

The product that the company is testing on animals are sunglasses, which could make them feel more self-confident.

21: D
22: A
23: C
24: B
25: C